Algerians today's' Today, in their culture and social organization, are heirs to a rich ancient history, which does not reduce the centuries since the advent Islam and the hundred thirty-two years of French colonial rule. Is in the discovery of this pre-Islamic heritage of Algeria, too unknown, that invites Gilbert Meynier in this book. After the evocation of archaeological discoveries show that the territory of modern Algeria was one of the first cradles of mankind, he traces the history of states that formed it then. They were related - commercial, technical and cultural - with the Middle East and, more broadly, with the countries bordering the Mediterranean: the influence Punic and Roman influence, will be crucial in shaping the political and economic organization , culture and religious orientations of the ancestors of Algerians, even if they remain heavily dependent on old Libyan-Berber substrate.
- Gilbert Meynier The origins Algeria - From prehistory to the advent of Islam , La Découverte, 2007.
- Gilbert Meynier The origins Algeria - From prehistory to the advent of Islam , La Découverte, 2007.
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