Monday, December 27, 2010

How To Go On South Park Studios From An Ipod

2011 The first book on the subject of war in Algeria Algeria

For more than a year, Benjamin Stora went to meet those who participated in this long war: veterans of North Africa, to enable or called, militant nationalists of the FLN-ALN, Harker, Blackfoot, opponents of the war. All have opened their archives, searching for traces of the past.

The shock of a book full of color, thanks to "Kodak Instamatic" of conscripts and the colors of the original documents. More than 100 unpublished documents in facsimile, containing all the memories of that fratricidal conflict in one book.

- Benjamin Stora, Tramore Quemeneur, Algeria 1954-1962: Letters, diaries and accounts of French and Algerians in the war , ArenA Editions, 2010.

Drink Alcohol Behind Ears


Yaniv is eleven. He lives in Belcourt district of Algiers. Funny and moving, his story shows us, over the days, today's Algeria. In the form of a diary Yanis, recounts his life in a simple, accurate and sensitive.

many flaps to lift and a superb four-page pamphlet pan in the middle of the book. On each page, a wealth of background information (school, Islam, oil, animals in the desert ...) answers questions from children.

Yanis The newspaper in Algeria, told by Mohamed Kacimi, illustrated by Charlotte Gastaut and Christian Heinrich.

How To Tell If U Had A Seizure

Price Germaine Tillion 2010 from the University Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense

In the 1890s, there has been an increasing denunciation of abuse of power in colonial Algeria. Competition Election of the French minority is often the cause. But the attention of Parliament and the metropolitan press grows to transform these business scandals Algerians. "

They give to see a political and administrative system plagued by violence, cronyism and corruption that are fed by the abundance of public funds in a settlement shunned by big capital. As practice and representation of power, abuse is then facilitated by the law, the confusion of law and failure of oversight institutions, in a broader context of sub-administration. These data are perfectly integrated by agents of the state and all ad Bypass, clean to prolong the system.

- Didier Guignard, abuse of power in colonial Algeria (1880-1914). Visibility and uniqueness , Pupo, 2010.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Primer Calculating Annealing Temperature

from Algiers May 68

Those who in the 1960s and 1970s, believed the collapse of the old system of exploitation and oppression, not all sublimate their revolt and agreed to flow into the institutions.

Born in Algiers in 1941, François was soon joined Cerutti those in France who have fought for the independence of Algeria. For him, the revolt of colonial peoples against colonial domination criminal was a sign of the imminent overthrow of bourgeois society. Rebellious, he left for Morocco. In Algiers, from 1962 to 1965 he works in a self-managed. With a small group of members of the Fourth International, he campaigned for the consolidation of the industry-run against the will of increasingly strong grip of the FLN and the government about it.

In 1965, the coup in Boumediene does return to France, where the army forces to military service which he had escaped. He runs up against the stupidity and vindictiveness of the institution, who will send for a few months in jail.

May 1968 found the front row because he lives in the Latin Quarter and worked in a library activist, devoted to the critique of Leninism and regimes who claim it. He helps coordinate action committees of companies in the Paris region. Importantly, the May movement reinforces his belief that "the world will change core" and that the old labor movement organizations, pillars of the existing order, shall be scanned.

The story of this journey which, from a "Blackfoot" will be a "red foot", a rebel revolutionary, it is also that of encounters, militant actions, thoughts that have influenced an entire generation, some of which continues to assert, as Francis Cerutti: "The need to change this world is becoming more evident and urgent. "

Foreword by Mohammed Harbi.

- Francois Cerutti, from Algiers May 68 , My years of revolution , Spartacus Publishing, 2010.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Flash And Math Applets Learn By Example

Benjamin Stora

The Algerian immigrants in France: a political history, 1912-1962 , Hachette Literature, 200 9

Mystery De Gaulle. His choice for Algeria , Robert Laffont, 2009

Mitterrand and the war Algeria
with Francois Malye, Calmann-Lévy, 2010

Algeria 1954-1962 - Letters, diaries and stories French and Algerians in the war , The Arena, 2010

Bibliography of Algeria since independence , CNRS, 2011 (forthcoming)

Thursday, November 11, 2010

How To Broil Striploin Steak

Jean-Paul Lecoq, a member junk in Morocco

Jean-Paul Lecoq, Communist deputy from Seine-Maritime was expelled from Casablanca (Morocco) on November 8. He was trying to reach El Aaiun, the capital of Western Sahara occupied by Morocco, where the Sahrawi population undergoes a crackdown reminiscent of the dark hours.

Since 1993, the City of Gonfreville l'Orcher is twinned J'Refia with a Saharawi refugee town in the Algerian desert because of the occupation of Western Sahara the Moroccan invader. So it's not on a whim that Jean-Paul Lecoq (PCF deputy mayor of the town) tried to go to El Aaiun Sunday night as an "observer". Present at Le Mans in late October for the 36th Conference of the Committee support the Saharawi people (EUCOCO), a member member of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Assembly has been warned about the ongoing violence in the occupied territories.

Upon arrival in Casablanca airport on Sunday evening, Jean-Paul Lecoq has been available to a welcoming committee muscular. " I was arrested by police who told me that the area was prohibited. I was asked for my passport. Two hours later, I have been restored with a direct return ticket to Paris. It is unacceptable that prevents parliamentarians to see what's happening in El Aaiun , "said the member who was also surprised not to have had contact with the Embassy of France during his short stay in Morocco. The Quai d'Orsay has raised no objection ... " Was I a member as embarrassing for Morocco for France "asks the Parliament.

Meanwhile, alarming news always arrive in El Aaiun, where clashes have left several people dead. Concern is also great for Camp Freedom Gdem Izik (located east of El Aaiun), where the Moroccan forces intervened on Monday to destroy the tents where approximately 20,000 Sahrawi. Helicopters dropped tear gas and water cannons have attacked people protesting peacefully. It is difficult to obtain accurate information. Fear and censorship throw a lead weight on the region. As elected foreign journalists are unwelcome there. English reporters were turned away these days. That the Moroccan government wants to hide?

Western Sahara occupied by Morocco since 1975, when the Green March commanded by Hassan II. Western Sahara is now the only territory not decolonization of Africa. Beyond the repression that crushed the Saharawi people for decades, Morocco illegally plundering the natural resources of Western Sahara with the complicity of European countries, including France.

The French government should cease its unconditional support to the Moroccan government and must act to ensure that the UN organized a referendum on self-determination as it has engaged in ... 1991. " What is happening today is the result of non-compliance with the fundamental right of the Sahrawi people to freely choose their destiny ", recently explained Mohamed Abdel Aziz, President of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR) and Secretary General of the Frente Polisario.

Jean-Paul Lecoq was reached on November 9 at the National Assembly to request an emergency meeting of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Assembly.

Paco, 11/11/10

Thursday, October 28, 2010

What Causes Meralgia Paresthetica

Match and Vintage - The year 2009-2010 is arrived


At the dawn of a season which already Pravda wrote that she will be full of success, Kollektion displays many casualties. While some are only temporary, because due to Erasmov exile, others are definitive, and there are fears already find some of the gulag Kamarades graduation. We are talking here of course the late Fonzinho, who left us to save the world, a master-GRPS CID pocket.

Chouchenko, the most faithful of the faithful soldiers torpédistes leaves the torch to Sangat 'and Nitch, and now taste the joys of retirement to 22 years (a law which is of, as he contributed for two years). "A retreat as it should be celebrated in WEI" we shouted the window of 3x4 meters he has broken.

Once again, the Politburo has faced. Jeunesses Torpédistes showed many great things during the past month. If
, football, quality is the appointment, including four consecutive wins, including three ideological, what about the quality in the evening! Two restaus in October we have
1 / discover Siren, a magical place, a lovely patron with whom it is easy to dance, and especially where regional languages southern Europe have the spotlight,
2 / discover (figuratively as literally) pom-poms generation 2011, promoting "Anna Nicole Smith,"
3 / drink a little wine of house wine,
4 / sing the glory of Petrushka,
5 / discover mimille making bacon Contemporary (ATPC would have already contacted since his exploits at Georges).

short, retracted 2010-2011 promises, since we account for the first time, more than Pompoms Roadsters. Who said the seats would be expensive?

Next match on 04/11 against GEO, Golf C. RDV is taken to the locker room before 18h for a match at 18:45.


Kalin's friend.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Does Olive Oil Go Bad

Albert Camus: Solitaire and several

- Catherine Camus, Albert Camus : Solitaire solidarity, Michel Lafon, 2010.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Luna Lovegood Lion Buy

The French colony in Algeria

This book is dedicated to the memory of all victims, many of which it is discussed in this book:

- those of the conquest of Algeria,
- those of colonization,
- those of May 8, 1945 in Kabylia,
- those "events in Algeria,"
- whether Algerian (civil, fellaghas, Harkis)
- or French (civil, military conscripts, Blackfoot),
- those of the black decade,
- those of state terrorism.

- Lounis Aggoune, The French colony in Algeria, 200 YEARS OF unspoken - and rapine peculations , Half Moon Editions, 2010.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Earthquake San Francisco Amp

Forgiveness and resentment

Can we reconcile with his enemy? For the former opponents of South African and Franco-Algerian The challenge is the same: get out of colonial rule and build a relationship of trust after the violence of war. In South Africa, winners chose to forgive those responsible and beneficiaries of apartheid. Between France and Algeria, the separation of populations after the Evian agreements seems to have offered to seek ways of reconciliation. But the political agreements that ensure they corporations and individuals agree? Where are we today?

Through narratives and trajectories of ex-combatants in South Africa, Algerian and French, Laetitia Bucaille explores in this book of political sociology the pathways, the impasses, expectations, hopes and signs of opening. In the testimony of all, it captures the intimate experience, emotions, feelings of loss, pride and guilt.

- Laetitia Bucaille, Forgiveness and resentment. Algeria / France, South Africa: can we bury the war? , Editions Payot and Shores, 2010.

Laetitia Bucaille is a sociologist and lecturer at the University Victor-Segalen/Bordeaux 2 and member of the Institut Universitaire de France.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Colon Cleansing Walk In Clinic

"Forced displacement and exile in Europe in the twentieth century. The conditions for sending and receiving "

Memorial Museum of Exile La Jonquera (Spain, Catalonia), October 22, 2010

This one day seminar will aim to show aspects to and from the host population in situations of exile and displacement, and the consequences. The seminar will be centered around logistics and humanitarian issues surrounding the large population movements. Namely, the starting conditions, government intervention and non-governmental organizations to host the reactions of indigenous peoples face the newcomers, the impact the territory, the possibility of return. These issues arise from the different cases that occurred in Europe during the twentieth century, the consequences of military conflicts between countries, civil wars and ethnic clashes: The morning lectures are under the English Civil War (1936-1939) and exile Republicans, according to the chronological thread, in the afternoon, the time of the Second World War, the Algerian independence in 1962, and the Balkan wars of the 90s.

This seminar is part of an overall program entitled "
forced displacement and exile in Europe in the twentieth century ", in which two more will come true interdisciplinary seminars in 2011. The three seminars will take place at an international symposium in 2012. In a spirit of collaboration across borders, the seminars will be held at La Jonquera, Girona, Perpignan and Rivesaltes.

The organizers are the CREC and CRHiSM University of Perpignan (UPVD), the Institute of Historical Research, University of Girona, the Memorial Museum of Exile La Jonquera ( MUME), the memorial of Rivesaltes (MMCR), the Cinémathèque Euroregional - Institut Jean Vigo (IJV).


9.30am-10am. Reception

10-10.30am. Speeches

10h30-11h. Michel LEIBERICH Doctor in History, UPVD

"The exiles in the logic of collective violence since the late nineteenth century"

11h-11h30. Reuben DOLL, PhD, UdG

"The Generalitat de Catalunya and the saving of lives in times of revolution and war "

11:30 12. CLAVIJO Juli, Doctor of History

" The reception in Catalonia refugees and displaced persons from other regions of Spain during the war Civil

12h-12h30. Dolores PLA, Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, México

"Home of Republican refugees in Mexico"

12h30-13h. AUBRESPY-Suzanne AGULLO, PhD, University of Toulouse

"Exile and detention of refugees in Algeria English Republicans (1939-1943) "

13h-13h30. Tuban Gregory, PhD, UPVD

" The deportation of internees policies toward North Africa from Port-Vendres in 1941 "

13h30-14h. Debate

14h-15h. Meals

15h-15h30. Francesc Veiga, UAB , Barcelona

"Twice abroad: forced displacement in Europe the twentieth century "

15h30-16h. WIES Frederick, PhD, UPVD

" 70 years ago ... The racial persecution culminating with Operation Saar Bürckel 22 October 1940. Presentation of the exile of Jews from the Saar in 1935 and the destruction of their community in the fall 1940 "

16h-16h30. Josep Calvet, PhD in History

" The passage of the Franco-English and Franco Spain to host people of military age during World War II "

16h30-17h. Philippe BOUBA, PhD, UPVD

"The arrival and reception of the Blackfoot in the Pyrenees-Orientales in 1962, Port-Vendres and Perpignan face exile Repatriated from Algeria"

17h-17h30. Abderahmen MOUMEN, doctor of history

"From Algeria to camp in Rivesaltes. The starting conditions and care in 1962 harkis"

17h30-18h. Boban MINIC, Professional Journalism

"The Ulysses of the Balkan Wars"

18h-18h30. Discussion / Conclusions

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Madeleine Rebérioux

are gathered here items of political history's most significant work of Madeleine Rebérioux, emblematic of our contemporary issues.

This book draws a picture of a France of human rights and socialism Jaures conquests fundamental freedoms, fighting for justice and social rights, intellectual commitment, loyalty history of the Revolution of 1789, that of the Commune and the Dreyfus affair, the fight against colonialism.

Vive la Republique! is a contribution to the knowledge of republican France as well as demonstrating the importance of history to face the perils that threaten civil liberties.

- Madeleine Rebérioux, Vive la Republique! History, rights and fighting the war of 1789 in Algeria, Demopolis Edition, 2009.

Rebérioux Madeleine (1920-2005) taught history at the University and EHESS. Director of the journal Social Movement , President of the Company jaurésiennes school, she participated in the creation of the Musée d'Orsay. Anti-colonial activist, feminist and social rights, it was the first woman president of the League of Human Rights between 1991 and 1995.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

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3 speeches

"Africans, let us rise!" Patrice lunumber

"We prefer freedom," Sekou Toure

"The duty to civilize," Jules Ferry

Fifty years ago, most African territories gained their independence. Among the leaders of liberation movements, Patrice Lumumba, the Congolese national hero, fought for the gathering of African peoples against imperialism. Before him, the Guinean Sekou Toure already called "the flowering of African values." African voices rose for the first time against the dominant ideology in Europe since the nineteenth century, colonialism, notably defended by Jules Ferry, who advocated "the duty to civilize the inferior races."

Sunday, September 19, 2010

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Arabic for Dummies


you planning to travel, live or work in an Arab country? Want to hold a basic conversation with a trader in Marrakech, or write and recognize Arabic characters? Learning Arabic is a hobby for you or a professional necessity? Whatever your reasons, this book lets you know the basics of a language which is not as difficult as it looks. It is for beginners who want to progress rapidly in Arabic.

- Amine Bouchentouf, Abubakr and Sylvie Chraibi, Arabic for Dummies , First, 2007.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Botomless Party Movie

Algeria, Maghreb heart classic origins, Algeria

From the capture of Carthage by the Islamo-Arabs to the allegiance to the Ottoman Empire from the master of Algiers, the story of a classic Maghreb where Algeria n ' not yet exist. Against a background of tribal social structure, the regional states, the Almoravids and Almohad emerge. The author examines the gradual marginalization of the region leading to a reorientation of religious emotional.

- Gilbert Meynier Algeria, Maghreb heart classiquede opening Islamo-Arab fold (698-1518) , La Découverte, 2010.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Best Laptop Architects

Algerians today's' Today, in their culture and social organization, are heirs to a rich ancient history, which does not reduce the centuries since the advent Islam and the hundred thirty-two years of French colonial rule. Is in the discovery of this pre-Islamic heritage of Algeria, too unknown, that invites Gilbert Meynier in this book. After the evocation of archaeological discoveries show that the territory of modern Algeria was one of the first cradles of mankind, he traces the history of states that formed it then. They were related - commercial, technical and cultural - with the Middle East and, more broadly, with the countries bordering the Mediterranean: the influence Punic and Roman influence, will be crucial in shaping the political and economic organization , culture and religious orientations of the ancestors of Algerians, even if they remain heavily dependent on old Libyan-Berber substrate.

- Gilbert Meynier The origins Algeria - From prehistory to the advent of Islam , La Découverte, 2007.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Are People With Hiv Sick

" When I grow up I'll Berber

Let yourself be carried away by the saga of Maurice, the orphan of Lorraine, who arrived in Morocco in 1926 To quell the revolt of the tribes of Abdel Krim, but Maurice hate this colonial war. Follow him when he will oppose the U.S. military landed Patton Morocco during the Second World War. He is passionate about Morocco, but Maurice is caught in the turmoil of a country seeking its independence. Brutal murders of Europeans, tribal response of the French army and the gear is dramatic. He will escape the attacks, it will no longer live with his gun and grenade into his pocket. Calm returns, Maurice found his voice in southern Morocco in helping to develop their agriculture fellah, he is loved and respected, it's on Maurice died in Morocco. 1965, the mysterious return to France, he discovers the horrible name of "Returnees "He is a stranger in his own country, he and his family suffers too. Then the long adaptation to his new country. Maurice has 60 years ...

Patrick HIERARD, When I grow up I'll Berber , Publishing Golden Mask , 2010.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

What Can Bring On Sudden Car Sickness

LDH Toulon

Friday, May 14, 2010

Lorac Blush Hollywood Swatches

Feet in the empty

The hour hand baggage that does not fittent in the regulatory space is fast approaching! It's time to return to power pumps, frilly camisoles, headwear doubtful, ballerinas multicolored string color-of-hearing, orthopedic, dresses, balloons and other extensions pouelle .

Where do you go away so my Leo? Ogunquit ...? At Camp Bud ? Mmm ... Not really.

CANNES. In the direction of FESTIVAL. It

you mouth a corner that eh? It's no walk in the forest in pack-bag pic pic that is there. It's worth a few bin stride. Not

but rgardé-moé so. I


And to think I started my first post Buffet on this fetish. No, but ti is not as beautiful as you end up? Same day, same time, same door.

Still. I'm still tweezers legs for the big raffle of Titus views. Because if j'me walks el'jarret its Croisette, the calf is better to have soft.

But then I watched it last night worse j'me said, bin is removable from the beautiful but superfluous hairy bugger penny-pincher! Chu Pantoute manicured pout is not there. My toes are not up to date! PA. NI. THAT.

Course at the pharmacy, bought the French manicure kit, unpack the kit, the kit unpacked, unpack the kit ... St. Calvin! It will unpack you cte &*(?*&?@?&* kit then! Well, I'll finally be able to polish my toe in complete bliss ... Because flies in vra life is about making choices . And I've decided to stake everything on my pedicure. dolled My foot is my pass. I'll be Girl hit most VIP (Very Important Step) of the Riviera. My foot is now photographed by Annie Leibowitz , now draped in striped side of a Tim Burton

fun ... So please excuse my digression heavy on this unpleasant part of the body. If I speak much of this end so dear to me, is that right now, I no longer wear down. All because tomorrow (after a flight of 6 hours + a stopover in Amsterdam just as long) I'm an ex-stressed stroking the glitz of his Tite-Black Robe, WORRY FREE among the groupies.

And surrounded by all these thugs waving good smelling cologne to 100 bucks, my ham and butter in hand, I swear on the rocket scientist that I have a few thoughts for you.

Besides, the trip to the Holy Land is just an excuse to bring you information from high-flying style:

Top 5 worst pickup lines French (because in Europe, you know that my flawless plastic lined my unparalleled exoticism tantalizes the woman, the widow and the orphan same)

Well, I must leave you. I have great dilemmas to resolve.

aisle or window?

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Bounty Commercial 2010 Lisa

The Yabla is in the cabin!

2 years. 2 YEARS bonyenne bastard!
I know. I know ... I blog
shriveled. I
Chinese buffet out of date.
The onion rin g affaisée. The
Soucisse pleated in the stove.

And all this can not be resolved in large spreads of face cream at $ 10. What
not. I'm stiff and stuffed with
this cursed then ride in the front.
Heile. She has

you forehead, her coming to me to spoil the portra well.

Frankly, I do not know what came over me.
This blog may NOT be kiborde go alone.
So to all those who believe as I do in this trick of the millennium who claimed that in 2010 we would see computers being able to put down the masterpieces of literature and spread to every wind haiku and prose to bouquets passers-clopan go limping on the Internets along the way ... Ben
quin! There have been awoire.

But what the hell am I with brett so interesting for 2 years?

Booooffffff ... I asked

pump in Florence, Rome and New York (among others)
In a wrestling match Franky The Mobster with
I paved with high
I'm stubborn with the step-mother (always)
I made new friends
astis I visited home I
became fairy godmother

Well I which matured.

j'vous the words, a little worse j'm'achète a house worse j'réussis my license.