Saturday, January 15, 2011

What Gas Stations Can I Find Condoms In?

Write and publish the war Algeria

War "no name" and "no pictures", the war in Algeria was not, however, despite a war room deafness without words. For over half a century, the unspeakable shame and raised voices in the fathers' generation like that of the son, and this book aims to reveal the abundance and diversity. Initial burst of brilliance in this kaleidoscopic journey, the reader may find the multiple pathways by which this war insistently us.

In an emergency, during the war itself, many intellectuals and writers involved in the press and in the book. Each of the studies presented here examines how is tied or renews link between poetry and politics: some, like Mauriac, invent, others, such Senac, c herchent to reclaim a legacy of the previous war. Many issues (that of language, that of horror, that of shame and silence of the fathers) bind a war and literature to another.

They are found in the second part of the book, devoted the resurgence of the war in Algeria in the literature "after", especially that of the 80's to today. A war haunts the other, without permission to speak in the singular, a literature of the war in Algeria. Researchers and writers attempt to define these literatures in a war that takes voice through these texts lar electure .

- Augais Thomas, Mireille Hilsum, Chantal Michel,
Writing and publishing the war Algeria. The resurgence of the emergency , Editions Kime, 2011.

Blood Blister On Tonsil What Could This Be

The construction of colonial discourse

The settlements issue has again become a topical issue and the subject of a social demand. The current controversies are part of continuities that often explain their acuity, without the need to fetch the "hidden truths". Beyond the controversy of the moment, the book proposes to follow the development of the contemporary history of relations between France and the world beyond Europe.

Oissila Saaidia, associate professor of history at the University and a doctorate in contemporary history, is Lecturer in Modern History at the University of Strasbourg and member of LARHER (team Religions, societies and acculturation).
Laurick Zerbini is a lecturer in African art history at the University Lumière Lyon 2 and member of LARHRA.

- Oissila Saaidia Laurick and Zerbini (eds.),
Construction of colonial discourse: the French Empire in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries , Paris, Karthala, 2009, 252 p.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Obesity Rehab Centers

Decolonizing history?

Zytnicki-Colette, "'The house, the stables'. The emergence of colonial history in France (from the 1880s to 1930s)"

-Jacques Cantier, "History and historians of Algeria. An attempt to synthesize the history colonial at the turn of the 1930s"

Maria Albani of Suremain, "History colonial in the Bulletin of the Committee for Historical Studies and Scientific AOF-IFAN, 1916-1960 "

Anne Pirou," Intellectuals colonized and writing of history in West Africa (c .1920-c. 1945) "

-Jacques Alexandropoulos & Christophe Picard," 'East' and 'West' in the historiography of the Maghreb, the colonial period to the present time "

Pzervillé Guy," The production of the history of Algeria, Algeria and France, after decolonization "

Sophia Dulucq, "Decolonizing African history: an impossible entrteprise? The example of 'the historical school of Ibadan, (Nigeria) "

-Michel Bertrand," Writing history, founded the Nation: heroes and national consciousness in 19th Century Mexico "

Richard Marino, "Zumbi of Palmares, a new hero pantheon of Brazilian citizenship? "

Nativel-Daniel," The Historian and the challenge of memory in Madagascar. Object construction and social demand "

- Sophie DULUCQ & Colette Zytnicki (ed.), Decolonizing story? From the colonial history to national history in Latin America and Africa (nineteenth and twentieth centuries), SFHOM , 2003.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Green Egg Table Sales

The team of web
"Between France and Algeria"
wish you a happy new year 2011