Monday, December 27, 2010

How To Go On South Park Studios From An Ipod

2011 The first book on the subject of war in Algeria Algeria

For more than a year, Benjamin Stora went to meet those who participated in this long war: veterans of North Africa, to enable or called, militant nationalists of the FLN-ALN, Harker, Blackfoot, opponents of the war. All have opened their archives, searching for traces of the past.

The shock of a book full of color, thanks to "Kodak Instamatic" of conscripts and the colors of the original documents. More than 100 unpublished documents in facsimile, containing all the memories of that fratricidal conflict in one book.

- Benjamin Stora, Tramore Quemeneur, Algeria 1954-1962: Letters, diaries and accounts of French and Algerians in the war , ArenA Editions, 2010.

Drink Alcohol Behind Ears


Yaniv is eleven. He lives in Belcourt district of Algiers. Funny and moving, his story shows us, over the days, today's Algeria. In the form of a diary Yanis, recounts his life in a simple, accurate and sensitive.

many flaps to lift and a superb four-page pamphlet pan in the middle of the book. On each page, a wealth of background information (school, Islam, oil, animals in the desert ...) answers questions from children.

Yanis The newspaper in Algeria, told by Mohamed Kacimi, illustrated by Charlotte Gastaut and Christian Heinrich.

How To Tell If U Had A Seizure

Price Germaine Tillion 2010 from the University Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense

In the 1890s, there has been an increasing denunciation of abuse of power in colonial Algeria. Competition Election of the French minority is often the cause. But the attention of Parliament and the metropolitan press grows to transform these business scandals Algerians. "

They give to see a political and administrative system plagued by violence, cronyism and corruption that are fed by the abundance of public funds in a settlement shunned by big capital. As practice and representation of power, abuse is then facilitated by the law, the confusion of law and failure of oversight institutions, in a broader context of sub-administration. These data are perfectly integrated by agents of the state and all ad Bypass, clean to prolong the system.

- Didier Guignard, abuse of power in colonial Algeria (1880-1914). Visibility and uniqueness , Pupo, 2010.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Primer Calculating Annealing Temperature

from Algiers May 68

Those who in the 1960s and 1970s, believed the collapse of the old system of exploitation and oppression, not all sublimate their revolt and agreed to flow into the institutions.

Born in Algiers in 1941, François was soon joined Cerutti those in France who have fought for the independence of Algeria. For him, the revolt of colonial peoples against colonial domination criminal was a sign of the imminent overthrow of bourgeois society. Rebellious, he left for Morocco. In Algiers, from 1962 to 1965 he works in a self-managed. With a small group of members of the Fourth International, he campaigned for the consolidation of the industry-run against the will of increasingly strong grip of the FLN and the government about it.

In 1965, the coup in Boumediene does return to France, where the army forces to military service which he had escaped. He runs up against the stupidity and vindictiveness of the institution, who will send for a few months in jail.

May 1968 found the front row because he lives in the Latin Quarter and worked in a library activist, devoted to the critique of Leninism and regimes who claim it. He helps coordinate action committees of companies in the Paris region. Importantly, the May movement reinforces his belief that "the world will change core" and that the old labor movement organizations, pillars of the existing order, shall be scanned.

The story of this journey which, from a "Blackfoot" will be a "red foot", a rebel revolutionary, it is also that of encounters, militant actions, thoughts that have influenced an entire generation, some of which continues to assert, as Francis Cerutti: "The need to change this world is becoming more evident and urgent. "

Foreword by Mohammed Harbi.

- Francois Cerutti, from Algiers May 68 , My years of revolution , Spartacus Publishing, 2010.