Sunday, October 4, 2009
Where To Buy Folicure Shampoo
October is already here, and the internal kommune has still not resumed ... Some will go for a ride in the Archipelago (Alexander if you read us ...)
Now then, one month after the launch of the new season, the highlights are already mentioned:
- The Supreme Soviet introduced a novel nomenclature: the spirited Mimile Louis Kapitain bombed and will team up with the aging Chouchenko kommander the Politburo.
- September has generally been placed under the sign of Gnagna and debility, the offering itself Kamarades of cooked daily and not always smart. Nitch Overmarx and we each made a week squat Torpédie, celebrated as it should. Vidalov for his part, finally left the FPI. His SCI is better, thank you for it.
- Mimile The building burned, only her apartment was spared, leaving him still (SDF Datcha Not Fixed). The opportunity to chum right to left, in fairly innocent damsels ready to open their doors.
- Objections friendly Babar the cons took over for the university championship, some Kamarades have also the opportunity to unlock their counter-goals (Lalanov, Mucovicidov, Chouchenko, Fuckov, Mimile cons his camp ...). Diego makes us the pleasure to play again with us, continually pushing the laws of nature. This guy is an enigma to science, 10 pints in each leg but still strong with the ball.
- Meters-whores, them, was released early, thanks to a Mimile hungry at a party Referrals quite hot and a beautiful night Erasputes.
- Gattusov could come back among us. Sad news, but we console with the certainty that he is in Grenada in the slats are advocating the Torpedo.
- The Roadster continues its takeover of internal IEP. Sangat is already President of the SA fascist, which suggests a Komposition bus rather favorable Kollectif rally at Strasbourg in March (15h bus, there will be deaths). Mimile finishing touches on his plan of attack to reach the office of President of BeyDE. The Roadster is not what it was I tell you, but the Revolution can not be completed at this price.
- Lordi, faithful canine companion of our beloved Lady Laura left us. The Friends of the Chalet is in mourning.
Kollectif The addresses so serenely in October.
Two major events are already taking shape:
- The Homecoming Automnales Sons of Torpédie , the weekend of 10, which will see a great band at the same time frightful converge towards our beautiful Bordal. We can look Pastich, Mowlot 'Kosovar Dayyydé, JayCay, and look forward to the presence of the Tonton Romu Nikow and Koula.
For those who will arrive by Thursday 8, do not miss the first meal of the Torpedo year history of testing new recruits.
- The now famous Moustache Night in honor of the Anniversary of the Russian Revolution , whose date is yet to be determined but that the Politburo has organized rather late.
The year is actually launched, the Office of Torpedo Kommune try to keep you informed as possible (bathing ceremony, CRIT, organization Weekend Torpedo). Those wishing kommander's jersey this season may already kontact the Kapitain.
Torpedo overcomes ... maybe!
Gentlemen, Kalin
The Politburo
Friday, October 2, 2009
Tingedmucus Early Pregnancy
Remember the beginning? You learn strange skateboard. The passion grew, as did the desire to progress. But no longskateur in your city to show you the path. To the question "c koman kon slide", you casually drop it on a forum, you are sent (in addition to the strings for your deplorable spelling) to the classic videos . You begin to dissect the freeze frames of these videos. And try to reproduce it only on the bitumen. Thanks in part to this that you come today to make a proper transition into your 360 - do not you?. Unexpected importance of these small films, originally designed to share a moment of ride and not necessarily to each other. And then there are trick tips. With these tutorials, the sharing is intentional, mutual support and sharing knowledge is the very purpose of the video. Your ride has been enriched with videos. Even if you do not experience in your village lost longskateurs Limousin (pardon the redundancy). When you feel desperately alone.
On this point of solitude sport longskate like the discovery of sex as a teenager (that sentence could be pronounced by the famous Brigadier pornoblogueur ) . We quickly feel the need to share the pleasure of great rides with at least one partner rather than practicing alone in his corner. This is because the longskate obviously perceives as a game to many. And the video has longskate include a collective dimension in the representation of the sport. Be honest: what is the video that you did most trépigner at your computer, increasing your frustration due to lack of ride and home triggering a crisis of lack? Only was it not a video freeride, or at least one session between friends? Beyond a spotlight or a performance, enthusiasm is what we practice in groups. In terms of spectacle, watching the clip a single rider, even on a very good and attractive spot, not worth tracking a bunch and what it offers: games between riders. The combined red drift in the wrong pin does not hit the racer who goes grip, this is the kind of suspense (and interest) that may generate the viewing of a video of freeride. For the viewer, the desire to ride is further enhanced by many do.
Especially fans that filmmakers like to leave a large place in their films anything that makes the life of the group outside the ride. Exhibition buttocks (a narrative full part in the video longskate, judging by its recurrence), phrases and cults mocking jokes, slices of life are legion. The Videos Punkaroulettes , reports hikes in Paris, are a good example. The reason for these scenes lifestyle is one thing, almost paradoxical to videos longskate: Images of ride is good, but in moderation. " Yvon Labarthe was first to understand that with all the videos that came out and were too stuffed to ride, people would quickly zap those looked like. He had the originality, story ", says Cyril Harnay, President Longskate of Bordeaux Club, an association at the forefront of the dynamic videographer.
Originality? One of the best recent examples is in my opinion the 2009 Tour Fritz, a parody of reality that reflects what the atmosphere of a roadtrip. Further east, a video as The secret of wrinkle going one step forward in terms of story and screenwriting. Note also a different approach, taken by director Gilles Balézeaux of films Oule . Not necessarily for an informed public, videos shot in the Hautes-Alpes squat regularly the first page of Dailymotion. These works aesthetic doing important work in promoting sport to the general public. And style is affected: the voice theatrics, big technical means (road closures for filming), almost Christlike sublimation of practice ... It seems almost Thierry Donard, founder of Nights Surf . Different forms of narratives, hatches a sacred range of genres. Documentary Striptease way to parody, through the fiction and the show at the Robert Hossein. Filming
what makes the environment of the tribe of riders to add the unexpected to create an interest, to stage a story. The story is written based on some myths, like the very famous "beer-mountain-summer barbecue-nice grandmas." What does it very well Yvon Labarthe . And seeing the history of those riders who make their lives a show attractive, it looks really want to go in a group of longskateurs.
promote its identity
One group, yes, but not any. There is a question of correspondence between the expectations you have from the longboard crew and those of you watching the video. Not necessarily go into a long and boring semantic analysis, these images affirm the identity of the collective, and allows crews to differentiate themselves from each other. You know as well as Supaflex was not a bristling crew combinations of skin-prick-competitive inordinate ambitions, the Rock4Crew are not primarily carvers, and the Pony Club (Random) has at most high ideology of poor technical assumed. Post a video of himself and his buddies is not insignificant in longskate symbolically. This offer meaning to the viewer a vision of longskate and practice. The image is a discourse on self and his tribe.
course, not everything is on the order unconscious in a symbolic dimension of this discourse and identity. The communication of an association of longskate and projects also passes here. The Bordeaux Longskate Club loves creating a buzz. In two years, fellows Bordeaux we have proposed UFO-longskato film with Longskate War then Angel this year. Through hard work and meticulous Odix, Gironde Association has made these two works of aesthetic works in the service of Peyragudes Deluxe Cup. But Komakino, Cyril Harnay by marital status and Chair of the BLC function does not consider that these are promotional films for a event. " There's no real strategy except the one to envy ," he says. The promotion of the association, then? " It is not a logic of recruitment .
According to him, will on the basis of these two films is simply to present the Peyragudes Deluxe Cup and projects of LBC. The newest Angel is exemplary in this regard. Through the bloody route of this board who murders the old band, emerges the new profile of the competition pyrénnéenne. "The Peyragudes Deluxe Cup is dead, for sure, I re-organize it. It meant it was dead but without doing something sad. Our idea was a film that mixes the idea with the new project for the BLC Deluxe, namely that launches the junior class who are for riders aged 14 to 18 "Cyril book by way of textual analysis. Hence this story to the influences of Z series, which speaks watermark erasing old riders in favor of an arrival in power of youth.
A group of people or ...?
Associations and crews are taking advantage of videos to showcase their riders. It may be the whole group, but also individuals. As such, the portrait is a genre in itself. Focused on a longskateur, and performance, this format is both codified and very very free. Like the last sentence of Liberation, he intended to present a rider and his vision of longskate, by talking to "off" images wrinkle. There are articulate discourse on the sport. Thus the ideas become multiple bedrooms and reflect the personality of the rider ... And / or the director's perception of his personality. We return here to this famous red thread of history! This gives various things, sometimes completely offset JibusProd as proposed, or as almost journalistic knows how Odix.
Assos, crews ... And teams, whether to complete the list of groups of riders. Marks, making their sponsored riders relay their message, taking on board the use of video. Without necessarily changing the format or style. The French brand Blackkross rest on such things rather classic, worthy of a session between friends. Not too much pounding commercial message, if any. She even sometimes forces with activists from another brand ! Just to say that the longboard is a great community of different families. Typically, the marks (it is their interest) love to show their team as a bunch of buddies, or at least as a cohesive group, united under one banner. Orange in Nowave, which is in the classic video together to present the riders.
If the videos do not leave marks too the usual speech, but also they are made by people who produce other side. Yvon Labarthe has worked well to make communication with SC8 videos whose style resembles ... Labarthe. That is to say the ride is committed, clean, powerful (and sticking with the brand image). No reason to change style when you're a videographers longskate of the most popular.
short, marks the side, nothing new. We are still far from the star system individually produced videos of surfwear brands, for example. Loaded and foal glorified Adam Colton and others fail to ankle videos kellyslaterocentrées of Quiksilver. Nor that mickfanningocentrées productions at Rip Curl. Little risk that this excess feature "major" sports comes into force in longboarding. Surely a matter of marketing and visibility issue of discipline. And possibly also humility.
Riders ready ... Ego!
But make no mistake. The video speaks longskate certainly collective, cohesive group, but does not like to parade clips in North Korea. Asso, crew, team, nothing but a collection of egos. The message revolves around some individual performance, as will be discerned by paying attention to productions like those of Gilles Balézeaux. Individualistic vision without being egocentric. Unlike some uses of paw. The eccentricity of the lens makes it possible to get unusual angles. A distinction is often the only riders to orient themselves. Interesting choice. Included in a montage of shots punctuated in the middle fixed, embedded in various moods and visions (as the bias of the director), there is a significant new method in how to tell a story. But the clip only nine minutes of a rider who shoots with his paw on one spot at Schuss, gives quickly want to zap. Although show delivery in the background other chutes, the fact that the image does revolves only around the rider-filmmaker delivers a certain conception of wrinkle. Here, c is the individual performance shall prevail. And it inspires metaphors on the double meaning of the word paw.
The video is an ode longskate refers to the collective but still with the ego. Longskate launch a video on the Internet is necessarily refer to the staging itself evoked as the keeper of this blog a few days ago . The goal is to exist altogether. Despite the frantic videographer activism which it participates, the chairman of BLC remains lucid on this point. " representation of the scene is very longskate footprint of Internet activity. The videos like the forum, it gives an aura that is beyond what we really are and our practice, it shows us that bigger we are. When you put three videos on Riderz, you exist , "he notes.
A tool for the collective
its small branch almost semi-pro video longskate would have a legitimacy on the longboard scene. But not necessarily legitimacy only virtual. In some cases, such as Jibus, it comes with great field presence. results in competition (downhill like videos), organization of events associated with its Deval Loire, the Touraine is active. L other interesting example is that of Guimba Productions. The web agency is reporting on some small events. Need to build legitimacy the stage for his longskate autoentreprenor? A strange idea when you know the identity of the latter. It is indeed Julien Yamba, president of the NDA! The Vendee
follows his videos a very personal ... And very collective. His role as " spokesman our sport" is central to its concerns videographers. Objective: To publicize our sport, and thus addressing the general public with these videos. Hence the use of a style, format and visual techniques rather close to the expertise of professionals in the image, as in reporting of Mascaride . This gives the impression Julien adjusts the calibration of the subjects of JT to achieve the target of the neophytes. A target he claims. " In all that I saw movies, the images were not what I thought to promote the sport ," says communications expert. " example, Yvon is very beautiful video, it's a great filmmaker, but I think that level ... dissemination," he temporized. While Julian tries to make out of conventional channels webcasting to try to hit as many. With a speech that echoed his position. " I try to show that we are not fools: the security side, protections, straw bales, etc.. It is very educational indeed. That's how I see the development. We can develop the sport through the pedagogy, "he argues. The method is laudable and altruistic, if it is considered that development of sport as a benefit to its practitioners.
The video, if virtual by its support, then touch with reality. longskateurs have the appropriate tool to get into this scene ... And another scene animate, alive, what the longboard. " I argue we are still a community, and that, it also passes Videos by , "argues Cyril. For sure, the videos are a partial and biased longboard. But there is the fact that a large majority of riders trying them, and they all delivered a multitude of different messages. The overall vision then realized a reality. longboard scene is plural, and both united in its desire to be seen and recognized.
NB: thank you for allowing me to Pappy this space of expression that I took at leisure. Long live the blog!
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Hair Loss Treatment At Aryavaidyasala
This Thursday, April 16, the Kollectif had decided to accept the challenge offered by the infamous Babar. Unfortunately for them.
must say that was a good opportunity of closing the season and close the loop: a final derby against intimate enemy can not refuse.
Pre-Match: This is the last game of the season for both teams. Mixed results for the Roadster (viktoire a sectional Trophy Karl Marx, but a course average chanpionnat) and frankly mediocre for Elephants (no title, because the elimination half Crit Championship and Grandes Ecoles).
Match: Torpedo - Babar
Final score: 6-3
The match starts and reveals a radical opposition style. While Kollectif, and applied seriously, clearly eager to pick Babar for the first time in its existence, the Little Horns to display incredible arrogance on their part and take the Torpedo high. Evidenced by their initial tactical scheme, reversed from usual: Captain Tim and Braillard-the-fallen to a point, Champion libero.
The consequences are immediate. Down a game licked, the Kollectif takes advantage through Kalashniko. 1-0! Babar taking pride in the throat, the same door Roadster their lead to 2-0 (Fuckov) and 3-0 (LeShah formerly Ahmadinejad)! Total football torpédiste is finally rewarded: his attack hits everything she does, and his defense does wonders (yes, yes, you read correctly). Jeannot Mencacci, cornerstone of elephantine game, took the day a historic decision by joining the ranks of Kollectif. This pure number 10 is very well during this match Torpedo, disinhibiting and improve each player. A permanent transfer is it possible? Stay tuned ...
Similarly, in Overmarx libero is often decisive, as LeRieur position last bastion : Goalkeeper. Sangat 'take this conversion Marcow to leave its cage and put on his coat of light: he became the White Knight, offering many solutions on the offensive front.
therefore, led 3-0, Babar the fall in their inclinations and common riled up. They fail back to a classical organization and reduce the scoring, thanks to the Eternal Champion. But the expected rise did not occur. The Kollectif as the reed bends but does not break. The solidarity of the players is nice to see everyone doing his defensive job without fuss. Braillard key posts 3 times LeRieur multiplies parades decisive PapaSchultz Chouchenko and do not hesitate to give their knees to save the ball on their line ... In short, the very large Torpedo.
is logically the first half ends with the score 3-1 in favor of river Kollectif of the sausage and the Hammer.
The second half will end the repetition of the first. LeShah doubled his first (and second base) of the season. 4-1. Both teams are beginning to interpret the offside rule at will, depriving Kalashniko a magnificent second goal finesse (a majestic lob of Jacques, the unfortunate goalkeeper). The
Babar took the opportunity to reduce the score by Champion, with a shot clear after a reference to approximate the defense torpédiste corner. 4-2! The suspense is at its peak, and this is the moment chosen LePoirow to restore a comfortable lead in Kollectif. 5-2! Tim brings the two teams at 5-3, but the Roadster will have the last word. Johnny found the top corner of a sumptuous half-volley, and crucifying his old team and spend the viktoire of Torpedo: 6-3!
is the first time that Babar buckling under the battering kommune. The Torpedo and save their season, making it more honorable: a viktoire Trophy Karl Marx, and a success at this historic Clasikow!
evening followed a habitual debauchery At George - Cock & Hookers. The Torpedo invited his opponents to this eternal night to humiliate them again, outside the field this time. The result was not long to wait, and sinking collective duly occurred. The tour flew shot, finding beauty in this memorable day.
quote to finish this sentence now legendary Nitch Braillard to alcohol following an altercation "Listen Brice, I love you, but I'm going to knock you out."Gentlemen
Kalin! The Politburo
Rose Garden Section And Rows Chart
In Kapital small saplings, the Roadster has been up to his reputation. Buoyed by a large LeRieur days, still more resistant against the orders of fascist SA, he managed to complete all objectives.
Already well trimmed out in the evening pre-organized crit JayCay's lair, the Roadster has managed to rally the Republic Square. First of viktoire Kollectif.
The fifteen drunken Kamarades has tumbled in Lyon then swallowed a whopping 97 bottles of mixtures, more than 42L Gnagna total (Planifika perfect Politburo). This allowed everyone to excel, some more than others, but always in a common interest: the jersey and dégueulasserie. Second viktoire.
journeys by bus, become real competition between Torpédistes and Nez Rouge (sacred challengers ...) with the aim Handaloozes pussy, have been a formality for the son of Torpédie. Third wide viktoire for Kollectif, who made mincemeat of gamblers and offered to Baball big orgies with hookers above. All this being facilitated by our undercover at AS this year, and "head" bus: Sangat '. Much say that we made that bus a good mess. The return of bestia, Gattusov, helped. Vidalov won once more the price of the anus Peretti flowing, beautifully put into words by Karim and Nitch, who drafted the "Charter Chiasseux. A great moment.
viktoire Fourth, the most symbolic: the Roadster finally brings the trophy Karl-Marx at home after a match against Lokomotiv hung Grenoble. After the match, pasillo, photos and ceremonial exchange of jerseys. A fine match between JayCay slips into the pond of the central circle, the walls impenetrable defense in goal-kick on, Vidalov brushing his teeth in a puddle full of piss, hanging himself in his Chouchenko crossbar LeRieur scoring a free kick platinesque ...
And, as a fifth and final viktoire the Kollectif returned in full and in Torpédie head high, while Babar returned tails between their legs after yet another defeat in Crit ...
It is back next year in Strasbourg, in Fritz.
Kalin! The Politburo
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Remote Started Santa Fe 2010
Torpédie Thursday, March 12 - Synthetik B
Playing outside, far from his beloved Kopacabanch the Kollectif has refuel points, and is now Leading the group!
Match: ISEG - Torpedo
Final score: 0-3
Still a great game Tapivert directly involved on 3 goals.
It seems that he took the melon, and eclipsed his Kamarades beginning to tire of his game licked.
Tapivert It is true that tends to knit, so much so that we may feel that his Kamarades do not play. Conversely, it is distinguished by its absence in the evening.
short, once the darling of Torpédie, Tapivert is no longer in the odor of sanctity in the aisles of Kopacabanch.
Transfer Rumours rife (OM, fond of this profile players have already made an offer of 14 million euros ...) and its future does not seem written on the side of Torpédie. His
Kamarades, them, hoping that his departure will allow them to touch the ball.
And it could be from Wednesday, March 18, when the last official match of the season ...
... a week of our annual trip to Lyon to win back the trophy Karl Marx!
Kalin! The Politburo
Toothpaste After Extraction
Monday, March 2, 20h
Caught Cold upon return from her vacation (alcoholic), the Kollectif to take the foot in the carpet.
Match: Torpedo - Bordeaux IV (6)
Final score: 0-6
A defeat in all anecdotal. In a match
balanced frankly, our opponents have found a loophole through individual action of class. The magnitude of the score is still explaining.
The fact that only 11 brave Kamarades have had the courage to hang on Kopacabanch may have played in the defeat.
worry, the Politburo is full of ideas to punish deserters (Gulag, beatings, confinement in a closet with Vidalov ...) and their desire to move to abandon their Kamarades.
Gentlemen, Kalin
The Politburo
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Grecian Formula New Formula Does Not Work
Thursday, February 12
Torpédie - Kopacabanch
Big pressure on the shoulders of Kamarades, which remain on the impressive stats: a viktoire in one game (thank you Tapivert).
This time, it is of podiatrists IFPP that confront us in this cauldron that is the Synthetik C.
Eager to cut some frills for Valentine's Day, the Kollectif has nonetheless managed to stay focused, and meet the challenge set by these amateurs.
Match: Torpedo - IFPP
Final score: 4-4
easily confirm his status as favorite, Kollectif quickly took the match in hand, leaning on a medium compact and very warm-wings .
So logically that Kamarades opened the scoring through Kalashniko after good work from Fuckov and Overmarx. 1-0! Yet
, and incomprehensibly, the Ekip will begin to doubt. And it is still the weak link in the Roadster that will sell, namely his defense. His mistakes allow the enemy to return to the score: 1-1, and 1-2 (the ball from supernatural way under the belly of Sangat, alias Gaby Arconada)Refereed by LeRieur, however, the Roadster will raise its head and play the experience card: the eternal Guilhem P. enters the field, cheered by an entire people.
Like a great evening of Heysel, the huge galleries of Kopacabanch even threatening to collapse, lorqui Pastich 'allows Kollectif return to score! 2-2! Launched
and full of pride, even Torpedo resumed the lead with Kalashniko after a Pastich even caviar. 3-2!
Hooray, the Torpédie is trance! The songs fuse, and fumigants and other wet crackling firecrackers, while it announces a big party to celebrate Bordal.
Kalash Note that almost reached the heights, approaching the counter to the unattainable Tapivert. Congratulations also to the shrew Bougnard, whose performance can not seem to be tarnished by his consumption of cigarillos and industrial brew. Similarly, the years do not undermine his taste for the challenge of arbitral awards. Bravo gentlemen!
However, manures IFPP equalize. An object does not exist, marred by a blatant offside 4m, yet validated by the fascists of FFSU. 3-3 ...
Fortunately, emerging as a vigilante Welsh Poirow The purpose of the 4-3 mark with a shot clear in the small net. 4-3, deserved. The Ekip believes he is the hardest and hold its first viktoire in the game ..
But it reckoned without destiny and the umpteenth (and not less beautiful) IFPP equalization, in stoppage Thurs 04.04, the final score. History is definitely cruel to the Roadster, which must be satisfied with the draw.
The wonderful pass through which the Kollectif, unbeaten in two games, but good looks. The Roadster is closer every day more than his match reference as the game develops it g (n) and Agne Esthétika simply consistent.
Appointment for the next 3 games in March, we will arrive at the top physically Crit.
Better to bulk.
Kalin! The Politburo
Straight Hair Sew In With A Bang
This Wednesday, January 28, the lacing up the Kollectif krampons for his first game of the year 2009.
Full of good intentions, but the joints still heavy evenings reunion, Kamarades met again at 20:30 on their good old Synthetika C.
This landmark in the history torpédiste, privileged space for the expression of Tecknik and licked the game players, he would finally be the scene of a viktoire? All
hoped, and it is with a mental strength that each prepared to take the championship.
Motivated, certainly, but less: Fonzinho, the keystone of the edifice torpédiste, the playmaker of the defense, John Terril the poor as it is called in the span of Kopacabanch, having wounded the day before in training.
The Roadster would however rise to the height of the wildest predictions, winning the match stretched hands down.
Match: Torpedo - Sciences 5 (we do not laugh, it's very serious ...)
Final score: 3-0
From the start of discussions, we feel that this game will be a bitter successively duels and a fierce fight and balanced midfield. Therefore, the Kollectif realizes that the light will come from its individuals, a few flashes of genius technik.
Issue: individuality, precisely, it is none of the masses. Knitters yes, but not killers ...
Fortunately, this is the moment awaited by our Goleador Tapivert to make a providential return. Thanks to his talent decidedly unusual, it will unlock the game itself! How fortunate for
Ekip can rely on one player as well.
The statistics of this killer surfaces are indeed impressive: 0 meters traveled, 0 balls played, 0 shots Kadri, but 3 goals in the final.
Better than these pedals Trezeguet or Inzaghi ... Take a leaf out of Vidalov! Thank
Tapivert, come back whenever you want.
With this initial success, hard won, and overflowing with joy, rushed to Kollectif Cock & Hookers to celebrate. A first viktoire always has a special flavor, which must take up before it disappears.
So Loved directly Kamarade shots that begin to be put. They cooked the stick that night will be at least one happy: Vince, who was able to enjoy it while chopping her repertoire of shot, the little worm Mexican absinthe Slovenian ...
The evening, and especially the descent of Kamarades was so crazy that it also brought Vince sucks-appointed to hallucinate: "When you see what you put after a victory by forfeit, what this is when you really win? ".
it is reassures, it is not there.
Fully trimmed, Kollectif the evening went by long travels in Bordeaux, in which:
- Nitch nearly lost his ankle again
- Shush began to fill each of the cars parked within range of its own fuel pump
- Baron Fonzinho was transported on a beautiful trash in front of disapproving LAC
- Sangat became kleptomaniac and stole a bottle of gin Vival docks (while Kamarades diversion were buying a few chickens)
- and all returned a vibrant and beautiful tribute (belated?) at Molot at home in Soledad R.
The evening ended with GW., the fair which is said that all the Kollectif knows intimately.
The last important fact will be the rule in lochage Shush, who had the bad idea to fall asleep on a couch. Everyone sleeps peacefully and then while drunk.
All? No. Fonzinho, losing neither the north nor the precepts taught by JB ("Big Brother" on TF1) end the evening in the arms of the sultry GW. The bag of the latter now has a new Dury. Maybe not the last.
Next game, IFPP Torpedo-Thursday, February 12.
Until then, cultivate the art of winning (newly acquired) and Gnagna (already mastered)
The Politburo
Monday, February 9, 2009
23'sailboat Rigging How To
Saturday, January 17 ...
This date marked with a red stone will remain in las year (n) ales of Torpedo as long-awaited day of the ceremony jerseys 2008-2009!
The long-awaited evening held at the terrible Gargagwen Stefanov, and was particularly dirty. I must say that the happiness experienced by the fine guys at the opportunity to put together the worst excesses ANNOUNCED ...
Also, some guests had great brand added to current members of Kollectif: thank you to Brazil, Marcow, Mowlot 'JayCay Pastich and have splashed on the evening of their class.
The beginning of the ceremony was slightly delayed, due to the delay Kamarade Vidalov. Do not think we expected, the problem was rather that it was he who suits our dear ... The Politburo will hold now that we should not rely on the infamous Lord Léognagne: an impromptu intestinal crisis could put in one hour late is still a risk. The aforementioned
arrive last, however, with our expensive coats in the bagpipe. Fonzinho Chouchenko and can therefore declare opened the ceremony. The Kapitain are no longer very fresh, having spent their afternoon at the Cock to look in their many pints inspiration for writing speeches. However they manage to stammer succinct and individual presentations for each of these (and original version for foreign please), and gave each of the jersey of the new season. Bravo to the transition to LeMecQue, which has to postpone his dick stroke to spend an hour with us.
The ceremony is in full swing and Gnagna flows. The songs stand the most elaborate, the distinguishing himself Kamarade LePoirow particularly in the fine art of composition disgusting. And once the dashing finery distributed and coated, nothing can divert Kollectif its goal: to paste. The goal is brilliantly observed ...
planning initially established by the Politburo provided later invasion of a savage apartment, in the purest tradition torpédiste. In his attempt to achieving this objective, the Kollectif will explode in flight.
In the end, only half of a big handsome guys can rally the party MPMS, which promises to be the apotheosis of this disgusting event.
Some, such Mowlot or Marcow, do not last long. The first quickly loses memory and ultimately return home mom Soledad, vomiting while walking. The second advantage of a second of inattention Kamarades her to take a tangent, and escape with his Marjow hail the first taxi did not come without insulting him.
Other, less constrained by domestic obligations, manage to register in time: thus particularly welcome the eternal Guilhem P. (Which also Chopera properly) and the hardliner JayCay ("Go fuck guys, we tend Capus arms!").
Kamarades For all, the evening will have started to drink euphoric, and ends in black gaping hole. Another beautiful evening Torpédie ...
The only downside of the evening: the Technika, who did not follow. You will not be able Pignole seeing you and reviewing the videos of the presentation of jerseys this year.
Too bad, because as the gazelle at the time proclaimed: "It was éééénorme !"...
Kalin! The Politburo
Friday, January 23, 2009
Fotos De Patricia Navida
After a convincing first half that saw the Kollectif register 7 goals in 4 games, he is now reissued this beautiful performance.
5 matches ahead, it will answer this, wear the colors torpédistes, and who knows, maybe our first win of the season viktoire?
- Torpedo - Science (5), Wednesday, January 28 at 21h , Synthetik B
- IFPP (1) - Torpedo, the Thursday, February 12 at 18:45 , Synthetik
B - Roadster - Bordeaux IV ( 6), Monday, March 2 at 21h , Synthetik B
- ISEG - Torpedo, the Thursday, March 12 at 17h , Synthetik
B - Roadster - Science (6), March 18 merdredi to 20h, C Synthetika
three observations:
- you'll notice that the times of matches are ... rather late. Beware also, they will not necessarily take place on Thursday. The Politburo of the suspected fascists FFSU want to once again undermine the morale torpédistes. It will be clear: even if the drink will be delayed, it will not be aborted!
- 3 matches in three weeks in the program in March ... It will allow us to get to the top Crit physically. Warning: it will also refine the descent, the sport is obviously not the priority.
- we'll have to play against the Worst of all Bordal stews, like Science (6), Bdx IV (6) ... In short, what Raymond D. call the "bottom of the barrel." The Politburo legitimately expect some astronomical scores, worthy of Real Madrid under Franco.
We shall see that on the ground, keep you warm. And remember that mental preparation, based Gnagna and whores, is a struggle at all times.
Kalin! The Politburo
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Hide Ip Adress Free Ubuntu
The sacrosanct Ceremony Jersey has finally been planned: it will be held Saturday, January 17, at Gargagwen Stefanov, at 34 rue Bouquière.
Come, with as much as you can Gnagne carry. It will be disgusting to be desired, because infiltration is planned in the wake ...
You discover all this Saturday. Be ready.
Gentlemen, Kalin! The Politburo
PS: For the latecomers, you can still avoid the Gulag, thinking quickly to the 22 € of kontribution for jerseys.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
How Long Can Germs Live On Chapstick
How was that?
Huge. Obviously, we started a bit late, Meanwhile David free to go look for a kebab, because the gentleman has an appetite with a time delayed (ten minutes before, he swore he would eat it). I started the evening with some stammering confused words, by which we seemed to understand that he thanked the partners of the event, and Streetsurfing Earth Surf. The mass began to pour in at 21:15 and 21:30, the viewing of films in competition began. The audience was very good, very attentive to images broadcast on the giant screen Briord. After a few minutes, the atmosphere became a little less subdued, thanks in part to the cries of some Rennes presidents RIDE Alcohol is rapidly escalating, driven by the system of voting for the Audience Award. You should know that for each drink from the bar was given a ballot. They are people who have not voted wrong, too. I would also like to thank everyone who paid me the glasses, and there are many, for their constant attention to the stability of my blood alcohol level.
In this atmosphere of madness ended the distribution of films in competition. The vote was established by David and myself, with two pillars bar assessors, giving Freewest winner. Congratulations to Mick!
is at the same time the evening has been accomplished the quest of the rabbit with the triumph of the very nice Claire! So kézako, rabbit hunting? By early evening, I launched an enigmatic sentence: "Whoever finds the rabbit wins a special prize Pony Club!". A rabbit? But where? In what form? Such were the questions I was asked by a substantial number of people, which I am careful not to answer, for the sake of impartiality and mystery necessary. And then around 22:30, Claire, a friend of Mick, approached me, offering me a ballot on which was inscribed "Bunny". She came to win, and there was a moment in this crazy poetry. The young and pretty Vendeen has won the prize promised a pair of boxing gloves stamped Pony Club, and a permanent contract at Pony Club. Thus, by becoming a member of Pony Club, Claire can fuck rouste riders misogyny. Also as a batch, it has also been struck by a pay Rennais association president, yet a couple, and which shall remain nameless because I am for peace household and accept corruption as well as service employment checks.
The evening continued with the release of videos down quite impressive. The bar Briord holding a master's hand by Christopher hype too, was packed with a very diverse crowd. Riders accustomed but also curious and have not stopped kiffer the festive atmosphere. It laughed a lot, always with alcohol as backdrop, as commentators say the court in the regional press. Then about two hours, everyone has set sail, pushed out by the unparalleled kindness of Christopher, after spending a great evening. It seems that some have continued their journey to other lands festive, losing a good portion of their dignity and of gastric contents.
A big thank you to all!
Time thanks
Thanks to our partners and Earth Surf Streetsurfing for their support which helped make this evening a success, and to Christopher Maggi Briord the bar for accepting the course of the evening and especially to have been barwomen best bartenders and the world, members of the jury, all contest participants: Raphael Thomas, Mickael, Clement, Jean-Baptiste, everyone in the room, to Pauline for a home, for his Neuh dirty jokes to Mick for his manly handshake, to David for his ability to do math at midnight ten with three grams, Nadège to support both physical and moral = facing the loss of his spouse, Claire for her beautiful smile and his ability to cash the second degree, the family that moved Oiry mass , to Benedict, who wants to get back to longskate, which fell to Nicolas in speed but paid me a beer, I will refund to Peter that is sworn to Alf for his worm v e beautiful once spent two hours, the guy who hit me a kiss and I never remember the name, to Jerome for his outstanding service with a beer in hand, to Audrey for her proposals for volunteering, Alexis and Joan for putting up with my umpteenth speech on the trajectories that never meet, to Sven for his new hair cut that day two years ago, to skate and Niels weird that runs on Uranium enriched ...
Time of Mea Culpa
Raphael Sorry for the non-release of his film yet beautiful Submission , following a technical problem. Sorry to
Vendeans present at the party who have been offended by some of the valves Nantais, who flagellate themselves today with their own bullshit. Yet it is clear that the Vendee is a den of cool spots populated by riders who are just as important. We repeat: these small titillages folk have nothing nasty! We like the Vendee and the Vendée hyper dynamic level ride, which close to home of great waves and beautiful roads! Kisses to you!
What Color Goes With White Furniture
Ride, Pony Club and their partners Land of Snow and Streetsurfing rose to the challenge with gusto. Organizing the Film Festival of descent was indeed a true little challenge, with his incessant questions ahead of the event: Will there about the world in the evening? The atmosphere Will be good? Will there is a sufficient quantity and quality point of view videos in competition? To all these questions, we can now answer a big YES. In light of last night, you can call a success this first edition of "It turns into the slope." First because the video quality was participating quality and reflected the spirit we tried to instill in this festival: the diversity of sports descent. Even the voting results confirm that diversity, as you can see from the following list.
- Prize Winner RIDE , which rewards the video that best represents our favorite territory: the West (Britain our history), through the ride and lifestyle.
- Winner Adrenaline prices, particularly that rewards performance and commitment of the riders, keynote speakers presented on the screen, and of course attaches to the valuation of these two criteria through audiovisual techniques .
- Style Award Winner , which rewards the video with great qualities in terms of style in the practice of our disciplines.
- Winner Audience Award, established by a vote libertarian trend by those present at the party (drinking, a ballot).
- Winner Excellence Award, which recognizes the video film whose size is remarkable. The jury notes and audiovisual techniques, adequacy of them, the spirit emerging from the video.
All winners are rewarded with Streetsurf generously provided by our partner Streetsurfing .
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