Headquarters Politburo on 25
is excitement here in Bordograd, just hours before the big departure for the Toulouse congress. Time is of the mutuallisation Gnagna, and already announced a record $ 150 liters ... It's no but a container that sakagnagne will be necessary ... The
Kamarade The Laughing faithfully helped Kamarade Hugo's Tavern, has indeed taken full measure of enthusiasm that the Congress of Toulouse was born in Torpédie: part of the diaspora has decided to return to close ranks for this event. Torpédiste delegation, representing the Institute for the Study Crit Proletarian Lens, this year will reach a record number of 23 or 25 people, which will include the famous Chouchenko, Kosovar, Daydé & Nitch. At this rate, according www.afreetibetisachinesetibet.ukr, the delegation Lensois already exceed the delegation Rennes. To water his troops, the Politburo took drastic decisions: fundraising early and purchase Gnagna at its source, namely the Peninsula ibérik. Similarly, in order that the shortage does not make sense on Sunday, part of sakagnagnes will be sealed until Sunday. Finally, after examining the proposal of Kamarade Vidalov (known as the "Infamous"), the Politburo decided to clearly mark the boundary in the bus between Bordeaux and Lensois, using a line of demarcation, which should facilitate the application of the principle of pay-drinker.
noises corridors show at the Crit of anti-Chinese protests challenging the police operation carried out by China in his province tibétaire facing separatists and religious extremists. The Torpédie has already been the victim of this antikommunisme primary: his last two games have resulted in disappointing two wins, with two shots to the key cap of prominent Kamarade Tapiver. The politburo is currently looking into how best to display its disapproval of this blatant lack of political tolerance on the part of so-called "liberals".
But the hour is above all to the feast, the hour is to prepare the battle against the yellow (And blue) of Lokomotiv Grenoble, time is the trophy Karl Marx!
Torpedo defeat (perhaps green carpets and ...)
Departing for the Congress of Toulouse
Headquarters Politburo on 25
is excitement here in Bordograd, just hours before the big departure for the Toulouse congress. Time is of the mutuallisation Gnagna, and already announced a record $ 150 liters ... It's no but a container that sakagnagne will be necessary ... The
Kamarade The Laughing faithfully helped Kamarade Hugo's Tavern, has indeed taken full measure of enthusiasm that the Congress of Toulouse was born in Torpédie: part of the diaspora has decided to return to close ranks for this event. Torpédiste delegation, representing the Institute for the Study Crit Proletarian Lens, this year will reach a record number of 23 or 25 people, which will include the famous Chouchenko, Kosovar, Daydé & Nitch. At this rate, according www.afreetibetisachinesetibet.ukr, the delegation Lensois already exceed the delegation Rennes. To water his troops, the Politburo took drastic decisions: fundraising early and purchase Gnagna at its source, namely the Peninsula ibérik. Similarly, in order that the shortage does not make sense on Sunday, part of sakagnagnes will be sealed until Sunday. Finally, after examining the proposal of Kamarade Vidalov (known as the "Infamous"), the Politburo decided to clearly mark the boundary in the bus between Bordeaux and Lensois, using a line of demarcation, which should facilitate the application of the principle of pay-drinker.
noises corridors show at the Crit of anti-Chinese protests challenging the police operation carried out by China in his province tibétaire facing separatists and religious extremists. The Torpédie has already been the victim of this antikommunisme primary: his last two games have resulted in disappointing two wins, with two shots to the key cap of prominent Kamarade Tapiver. The politburo is currently looking into how best to display its disapproval of this blatant lack of political tolerance on the part of so-called "liberals".
But the hour is above all to the feast, the hour is to prepare the battle against the yellow (And blue) of Lokomotiv Grenoble, time is the trophy Karl Marx!
Torpedo defeat (perhaps green carpets and ...)
Departing for the Congress of Toulouse